Access this EcoSpace
Approximately 30 Km north of High Level on HWY 35 is Watt Mountain Rd. This gravel road provides access to hutch Lake park and leads to the Watt Mountain fire tower. It is also a key access point for the Watt Mountain Wanderers as mentioned above!
Watt Mountain Natural Area
The Watt Mountain Natural Area is a 953 hectare natural area located approximately 30 kilometers northwest of the community of High Level. The area was identified as a potential natural area in 1983. In 1989, the Province of Alberta designated the site as a "Natural Area" and placed a Protective Notation (PNT) on the area to ensure no industrial development in the future.
In addition to having high recreational value, the Watt Mountain Natural Area also has high ecological value. Within it's distinctive ecosystem are rare species assemblages for the region. Mountain Ash is one species rare in the area, but found here.