Artifact of the Week
2023 Artifacts of the week
2022 Artifacts of the week
In honor of the ground scanning of St Henri Residential school that is happening today and tomorrow - we chose this snippet of video footage from 1966 of students at St Mary's Separate school. The footage was taken by Tony O'Carrol who came from England to teach at the school and shows the students having a fire and dance. The footage has no original audio as Tony's camera only recorded on film we added some generic instrumental music.
2016.08.04.01 / O'carroll, Tony
2021 Artifacts of the week
This audio snippet comes from an interview between Warren Clarke and Lorna Bell in 1971. The duration of the interview is about 30 mins long and covers topics such as Diptheria, Life in the Old Bay House and other various rabbit trails. The main story of the interview is Warrens witness account of the first Airplanes to fly over and land in Fort Vermilion. The planes were from the Imperial Oil Company and came to Fort Vermilion to pick up fuel that had been deposited a year or so before. In 1921 many individuals in the community had never heard of an airplane - let alone seen one - have a listen to the clip above for Warrens rather amusing recollection of this event!
2005.02.03 / Bell, Lorna