Fort Vermilion Pre-1900
Fort Vermilion 1950-2000
Aerial view of Fort Vermilion 1966. The buildings at centre are the public school and residential school with residences.
Photo Credit: Anthony O'Carroll.
Hockey Game between Fort Vermilion's Public and residential Schools. 1966.
Photo Credit: Anthony O'Carroll.
Fort Vermilion 1900-1950
Collecting hay with Buck rake to bring to stacker at the Fort Vermilion Experimental Farm.
2010.80.173 / Fort Vermilion Experimental Farm
Fort Vermilion mens Soft ball team of 1933. Back Row: CJ Kidd, Norman Henry, Joe Kemp, W.S. "Bill"Carson, George Scott.
Front Row: Harry Borbridge, Bill Hill, Dr Harold Hamman, Manny Charles, Fred Dembiski.
1998.05.23.183 / Lamberton, Rev Hugh and Lillian
Hudson Bay Complex. Hudsons Bay Factor's House (Old Bay House) is far right.
2005.42.49.53 / Heritage Comittee FVAS
Fort Vermilion 2000-
Back row: Dignitaires of the Fort Vermilion Area
Front Row: Crew that manned the York Boat from Dunvegan to Fort Vermilion.
Photo Credit: Marilee Cranna Toews