If you linger at the Fort
Vermilion Bridge or camp at the Bridge Campsite you are on the doorstep of
"Buttertown." This settlement is located across the Peace River from Fort
Vermilion. Land holders had one or more river lots,
each with river frontage and land for pasture, hay, crops and gardens.
The Buttertown School dates from 1948.
Hand-hewn logs were used to build the St. Louis Roman Catholic Church, a store, pool halls, cabins and several houses.
Residents made butter in such quantity that it was traded to the Hudson's Bay Company and to independent traders for resale locally and delivery to remote northern locales.
St. Louis Catholic Church (River lot 4)
Built 1906-1909
It is "North Vermilion" on
maps and signs, but locals still call it "Buttertown."
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Acknowledgements: Summer Career Placement Program staff, Keith Klassen
(2004/2005) & Jordan Lambert (2006) and
Cranna Toews of the Fort Vermilion Agricultural Society