Canada's Centennial (1967)
Centennial (1967) was honoured in Fort Vermilion by the construction of the
Centennial Hall by the Fort Vermilion Area Board of Trade. It was once home to
the Library, and Family and Community Support Services. It was renovated
for use by the Riverview Seniors Society, with an office downstairs for the
Board of Trade.

It is
situated along the Peace River where a metal sculpture of Canada Geese marks its place.

Photos by Marilee
Cranna Toews, Fort Vermilion
On weekday afternoons the seniors host a drop-in time, so feel free to stop by.
Acknowledgements: Summer Career Placement Program staff, Keith Klassen
(2004/2005) & Jordan Lambert (2006) and
Cranna Toews of the Fort Vermilion Agricultural Society