Fort Vermilion Heritage Centre

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Hay-Zama Lakes Wildland Park

Fort Vermilion Heritage Centre Accession No. 2004.45.1                      Gordon Foster Collection

Wood Bison (Assumption Area)


The Hay-Zama Wildland Park was formally established in 1999 by the Province of Alberta.  It encompasses a total area of 48,600 hectares and contains a series of eutrophic lakes, floodplains, and river deltas.  The area is of such ecological significance that on May 24th 1982, the site received RAMSAR designation.  Its specific importance is for migrating waterfowl from three of the four North American migration routes (Pacific, Central & Mississippi).  During the fall migration, 130,000 lesser snow geese, 47,000 Canada geese and 200,000 ducks have been recorded in the area.

Fort Vermilion Heritage Centre Accession No. 2004.45.2                      Gordon Foster Collection

Red Fox (Zama Area)


The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands was signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971.  This intergovernmental treaty "provides the frame work for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources."  The Hay-Zama Lakes Wildland (Site No. 364) is one of four Ramsar sites in Alberta.  Two others, the Peace Athabasca Delta (Site 40) and the Whooping Crane Summer Range (Site No. 164) are   in Wood Buffalo National Park.



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Acknowledgements: Summer Career Placement Program staff, Keith Klassen (2004/2005) & Jordan Lambert (2006) and

Marilee Cranna Toews of the Fort Vermilion Agricultural Society